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The swell left from the passing typhoon has gone down a lot, now a strong south wind is blowing in Ishigaki island☆

We went diving in Kabira area at Yonehara and Manta Point with a group of smiling divers♪♪♪
A Swedish family joined us on the boat today☆ The youngsters went on their first scuba dives with us♪ They were both very good swimmers(/・ω・) It’s hard to believe it was their first dives ever!☆

Our snorkeling team swam above the corals and saw many different tropical reef fishes☆

Floating over the coral field of Yonehara☆ I wonder if our first-time divers will go for their licenses soon(≧▽≦)

The Sea goldies swam in small glimmering schools above the bommies♪ It’s so calming to watch them(;^ω^)

Today we saw two Manta rays at manta point! However, our discover scuba team was
unfortunately out of the water already and missed them(/ω\)
The Mantas swam by quickly, but all our fun divers and snorkelers got to see them(*^▽^*)

In Yonehara, I found this big Banded boxer shrimp. Don’t you think it looks kind of like a rabbit from the front?\(^o^)/

Look at this closeup, does anybody else see the rabbit face…?(;・∀・)

Tomorrow, we’re starting an Open Water Course☆ It’s gonna be so much fun♪
We also have fun dives to look forward to, I will not join them but I hope they will have a good time(;^ω^)

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