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The north wind is blowing over Ishigaki island. We went out for discover scuba dives in Osaki area(≧▽≦) Today’s divers were from Hong Kong♪ One of them was certified and the other two did their first dives today(/・ω・)/

Everybody swam very well♪ It was hard to believe it was their first dives(;・∀・)

We met the Sea turtles in Osaki(≧▽≦) This one was chilling on the rocks♪

Group picture♪♪

We also met many other sea creatures and took lots of photos♪ Below, together with Clown anemonefishes☆

A close up of a Clark’s anemonefish♪ Looking closely, they have a lot of teeth! (;・∀・)

Tomorrow, the wind will get stronger again. We have another group of discover scuba divers joining us♪