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The forecast was for north wind this morning but we woke up to a sunny Ishigaki(≧▽≦) However, as we departed from the beach the north wind came in strong and cold(;´・ω・) We still went for three dives in Osaki area☆ There, we met this green sea turtle who was very sound asleep(;・∀・)

This one is the biggest turtle in Osaki right now☆ A magnificent individual(`・ω・´)

Lately, we have started to see the giant cuttlefishes more frequently♪♪ It’s still not the mating season, I hope we will get to see many more!

A little pipefish with bright red eyes♪

A stonefish was well hidden in the sand, only the eyes and month vere sticking up(;・∀・)

A little frost nudibranch♡

We can see many of this type of nudibranch in Osaki right now☆

This fish looked like it was making an angry face as it hid underneath the rock but, actually, it was getting its mouth and body cleaned by small shrimps☆

We saw lots of small shrimps, below, an arrow cleaner shrimp♪♪

A teeny tiny anemone partner shrimp♪ It was floating around an anemone♪

The wind blew strong and cold today but from tomorrow it will calm down again☆ I wonder if the temperature will go up too.