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The ocean around Ishigaki island is getting colder by the day(;・∀・)
But diving is good! We went for fun dives in Osaki and Nagura☆ The corals in Nagura are really something special♡

We found some Robust ghost pipefish♪

The sea turtles weren’t at their usual resting place(/ω\) Maybe too many people there recently so they escaped to somewhere deeper. However, we saw many other interesring marine animals! Below, a Whipcoral shrimp.

At least the shrimps aren’t moving around as much☆☆

Below, an Anemone partner shrimp.

Bubble coral shrimp(`・ω・´)

A flounder was hiding on the sand☆

We also swam across this good looking Batfish.

I think this winter will be quite cold in Ishigaki island, time to bring lots of warm water to pour inside the wetsuits!