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This strong wind keeps changing direction in Ishigaki island. Today, we went out from Nabura bay and did our first dive in Osaki☆ then, we departed for Manta point♪
After that, we drove the boat back to our beloved Kabira bay(≧▽≦)

We had one Fun diving and one Discover scuba diving team on the boat today☆ Everybody had a big smile on the face as we took the group picture… except me(/ω\)

In our discover scuba diver team of four, two of the divers had dived with me just a few days ago and one more of them had experience from before. So everybody could swim smoothly underwater\(^o^)/

Inside a bright white anemone this Tomato anemonefish put on it’s cutest face for the camera☆

Today, we saw many Manta rays at Manta City(*^▽^*) Our fun diving team saw 7 of them! ( ̄▽ ̄)
All the manta rays swam by quickly, but I’m really happy they showed up today so everybody could see them after we braved the rough sea to get here. Thank you♪♪

I’m happy the wind is turning to south again, just wishing it wasn’t a strong gale (;´・ω・)

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