The south wind is blowing strong over Ishigaki island(;´・ω・) We joined another dive boat for today’s discover scuba dives. The coral reefs of Nagura bay were both enchantingly beautiful and calm(≧▽≦)

N-san♪ She had some dive experience for before and got her buoyancy quickly \(^o^)/ we even floated smoothly over the coral reefs☆

A Spanish dancer(≧▽≦) This nudibranch species is very big, but I think this individual is the biggest I’ve seen!

We also met Seasnakes♪♪ There were almost too many of them(;^ω^)

A Lionfish was was chilling by a rock☆

We also saw many different Anemone fishes, below is a Tomato anemone fish.

This wind is really strong now(;´・ω・) I wish we could have calm seas everyday(;・∀・)