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North wind and heavy rain in Ishigaki island this morning☆ Today, we went out for discover scuba dives♪♪ We had a relaxed swim with our diver who visited us last year in December too(≧▽≦) We met a very large Green turtle☆

And a small turtle(≧▽≦) This one was resting on top of the corals(;´・ω・)

In Osaki, we saw the Giant cuttlefishes mating♪

We saw around fifteen of them laying eggs and some males were fighting over the females☆

In Nagura bay, we also saw several Giant cuttlefishes spawning. Soon, the eggs laid by them last year should start to hatch\(^o^)/

A big white Nudibranch♪

A Ribbon eel with it’s mouth wide open♪

A Whitemouth moray eel☆We see them quite often♪

It was a good day of diving today, looking forward to more dives tomorrow! I’m just a bit concerned about the wind because it keeps turning(;・∀・)

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