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North autumn winds are blowing over Ishigaki. The mornings feels so cool (≧▽≦)
The water temperature is still high around 29°C so this might be the most comfy season in Ishigaki. We cannot go out to manta point right now but there are many other exciting dive sites♪

First time diving! Nervous on the surface but calm underwater, and a very good swimmer \(^o^)/

We saw many different marine animals and took photos together☆ The green sea turtles were sound asleep today again~~♡

Anemone fishes♪♪ From the very big to the very small, all living in the same anemone(`・ω・´)

Lots of sea goldies dashing in and out from the lady finger corals♪

A scorpionfish.

Cornet’s fish♪They surprise lots of beginner divers with their lengh and stealth(;^ω^) A whole school of them had gathered☆☆

Tomorrow, I’m off for fun dives! The wind has calmed down a lot but the swell is still high(´・ω・`)