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Another day with strong wind in Ishigaki island(´-ω-`) So we choose sites sheltered from the wind, which we have many of around Kabira area☆

Unfortunatley, no mantas today(/ω\) We have been seeing them often latley, bit not this time(´-ω-`) The mantas are not in as good shape as usual this year(; ・`д・´)
At Manta city we can often find a Green turtle relaxing on top of the corals. Today, we saw this↓↓↓↓

Another turtle was trying to steal the spot(;・∀・)
I hope the looser could find another comfortable place nearby(;^ω^)

We also saw flatworms and nudibranchs\(^o^)/

This little fellow was about 1 cm big and moving, not easy to take a picture (;^ω^)

After diving today, I actually felt a bit cold in this rainy weather. I hope the summer will stick around for a bit longer!

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