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The wind blew strong yesterday but today it’s sunny and warm in Ishigaki☀️I wish we could have this fine winter weather always but I’m sure the cold will come back Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)
We went for introduction dives✨ But first, we did safety briefing onboard♪

A school of goldspot seabream✨

Of course we took a photo with the green sea turtles✨

There were lots of turtles♪ The one below was howering around the same place for a long time, I wonder if it was searching for the perfect spot σ(^_^;)

Schools of sea goldies gathered over the corals🐠🐡🐠

Photo with the clown anemonefish✨

A stone fish was well hidden in the sand. It’s better to be careful where to touch!

Looks like we’ll have another 2-3 days of this warm nice weather♪♪