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A strong north wind is blowing over Ishigaki island and it’s gotten cold again(>_<) Still had a fun time diving in Osaki area☆
Sadly, our guest had problems equalizing and could only do one dive. Luckily we had good visibility and lots of marine life on our first try(≧▽≦) Just look at this super cute white Nudibranch!♡ I think it was my first time seeing this species.

We see the nudibranch below quite often, it’s quite big and stands out from the sand with bright colors♪

A big flatworm☆

This lionfish was hanging out close to an anemone♪I almost missed it(;^ω^)

A big banded sea snake was searching for something in the sand(゚Д゚;)

We by this stonefish too, usually, they are better hidden but this one was feeling lazy today I guess.

More fun dives tomorrow♪ The weather forecast looks better but it will continue to be chilly on Ishigaki island a few more days(>_<)