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The wind blew fairly strong over Ishigaki island today but underwater the visibility was really good(≧▽≦)
Today we went out for 3 discover scuba dives with this group of amazing friends☆

Fishes swimming on top of the corals✨✨ Visibility on top\(^o^)/

Today’s guests♪ Two beginner divers and one that had tried once before♪ Everybody swam very well after being a bit unbalanced at the start,. Most importantly, it was lots of fun!

We went to Manta point and everyone swam smoothly to sit down in front of the cleaning station and wait… but no Manta ray today (/ω\)

At Yamabare, we had better luck with the green sea turtles♪♪ They were sleeping in their usual place and didn’t mind posing for and with us♡

It’s been windy around Ishigaki recently, typhoon nr. 6 is spinning south of Taiwan and looks like there’s a nr. 7th forming too(;・∀・)

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