Ishigaki’s sky was blue and the ocean flat when we departed this morning(≧▽≦) But as we got to the dive point the rain started to pour down(;´・ω・) However, there was luckily not much wind♪♪ Once underwater, everything was calm and clear♪
Below, a Batfish☆

The corals in Nagura bay are really spectacular( ̄▽ ̄) Lately, they have been growing up healthily☆

A small Crocodile fish sitting on a rock♪

A Lionfish spreading its find wide☆

Two Banded seasnakes were trying to get into the same hole(;^ω^)

We also saw the Giant cuttlefishes again☆ First, I couldn’t find them at all(/ω\) But on the way back ,five cuttlefishes were hovered in their usual area(/・ω・)/ I wonder where they were earlier…

A female laying eggs with a big male nearby making sure nobody else came close(; ・`д・´)

Many small critters were also out and about♪♪ Below, a bubble coral shrimp☆

A whip coral shrimp♪ For some reason all the shrimps today only had one claw(;・∀・)

We saw several Nudibranches\(^o^)/

Looking forward to diving in Ishigaki again tomorrow♪