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A north wind is blowing and we saw rain clouds on the horizon as we departed today. But we had plenty of sun and it barely rained at all☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆ It’s still warm and pleasant in Ishigaki island♪
We met a green sea turtle in Osaki☆ They are so used to people and don’t swim away(*´∇`*)

With experience from the day before, this discover scuba diver didn’t have any problems underwater✨ Buoyancy was excellent!

The fun diving team swam between the corals♪ It feels so good!(≧∇≦)

Lots of garden eels♪ The front one has a particular pattern. Almost like it’s wearing a collar 〜σ(^_^;)

Squat shrimps♡ So many of them!

The weather forecast does look cloudy for tomorrow but I hope we’ll get some sunshine☆