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A north wind blows but it’s still sunny over Ishigaki island ・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
However, the water temperature has dropped to 26℃ Σ(‘◉⌓◉’) Today we had a father and son team on the boat♪ We went for dives in Osaki and Nagura area! As requested, we saw lots of turtles! There were a total of four and we got a really close look at this one.

It seems like they found some new resting places this year, this turtle below swam away as we approached. I felt sorry for disturbing its nap σ(^_^;)

Corals in Nagura ♪The visibility wasn’t the best but it was very beautiful anyway (*^▽^*)

A blue coral♪ They are even more vibrant blew when they are small.

We also found a robust ghost pipefish♪ It still hasen’t found a partner but I hope it will!

A lonely razorfish(T . T) Usually, we see many of them together…

A bit flounder! I see this individual every year, they must live long(≧∇≦)It didn’t even try to hide as we approached (‘◉⌓◉’)

A squat shrimp(*^ω^*)

More dives tomorrow♪☆