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The south wind brought warm weather to Ishigaki island until this morning when it suddenly turned to a cold north (;´・ω・) It was a bit rough so we headed to Osaki area♪ No swell and visibility was good!(≧▽≦)

We saw a lot of green sea turtles☆ There were many I hadn’t seen before♪

A ball of snakes slithered around each other above the sandy bottom… mating? (;・∀・)

Anemone partner shrimp ☆

This pipefish was friendly and didn’t move at all♪

A flounder trying to hide in the sand(^O^)

A tiny sooth nudibranch, they are faster than they look(;・∀・)

A flatworm tried to cross the sandy bottom but it had a hard time tumbling around in the current(>_<)

The temperature suddenly went down a lot! Ishigaki island feels cold again, I hope it won’t be for too long.