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It doesn’t feel like winter at all in Ishigaki island today2(≧▽≦) Sunny sky and calm sea♪
We went for fun dives at Manta point and Osaki area♪ The green sea turtles were there to greet us in Osaki(^O^)

Comfy nap on the rocks(≧▽≦)

This year, there are many pipefish on the sandy bottom here☆ Their bodies look rigid like sticks when they move (;・∀・)

There are many critters on and in the sand♪♪ Below, a flounder♪It’s hiding a bit too well in this photo(;^ω^)

This stonefish was also hiding in the sand☆ They can be devilishly hard to spot(;・∀・)

After diving in Osaki, we drove around the cape to Manta point♪ Two mantas swam in the distance but we couldn’t get close to them(;´・ω・) However, I’m glad we could go out there today!