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A north wind is blowing over Ishigaki island. Around this season, the weather is very busy indeed σ(^_^;) We went for dives in Osaki and Nagura bay✨ It was raining heavily this morning so I worried about the visibility but it was ok✨

There were no females around but two male cuttlefish were fighting fiercely! I wonder if they both got dumped σ(^_^;)

A green sea turtle rested on the reef♪♪

We also saw anemone fish♪

In Nagura, the corals were looking good and full of life!

Found a huge crocodile fish.

And a robust ghost pipefish✨

Two leafy scorpionfish lined up for a photo🐡

Below, a closeup of a soldierfish.

The north wind will continue tomorrow🌬️ We’ll depart from Sakieda again✨