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The wind has changed to south over Ishigaki island・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ There was still a fair bit of swell left so we went diving in Osaki and Nagura area♪ Swimming over the coral gardens make me feel so calm (*´꒳`*)

Our guest and a giant cuttlefish♪
You can get very close to them if you move slowly and have a bit of patience. They are very curious creatures☆

Garden eels♪

The orange stripe shrimp gobies haven’t moved at all(*^▽^*)

A snake eel poking it’s head up.

Tiny nudibranch☆

It’s been a while since I got to see this little fellow♪ A bubble coral shrimp❤︎

More one on one dives tomorrow☆ Hope the swell will be gone!