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A north wind is blowing over a rainy Ishigaki island Σ(゚д゚lll)The weather isn’t the best but the visibility is still good and there is so much to see♪♪ Today, we went for fun dives in Osaki〜☆
Saw two ornate pipefish mating on the first dive(≧∇≦)There were three of them alltogether! They moved strangely and yes, it was mating in action(*^ω^*) Look how entwined they are!

The color of the pipefish changed as they mated\\\\٩( ‘ω’ )و //// It’s a shame they are out of focus in this photo ……m(_ _)m

I said there was three of them… but the third one didn’t get any action and just hung around nearby.

This turtle had a big remora attached to its shell, no wonder it was looking depressed〜σ(^_^;)

A pair of robust ghost pipefish☆ The are coming into mating season too (^ ^)

We also found couple of different nudibranch♪♪

Looking forward to diving again tomorrow ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆