The wind suddenly died down overnight and the sea was calm today in Ishigaki island(≧▽≦) However, the swell was still lingering on the north side so we couldnät go to
We met a Giant cuttlefish too☆ This one wasn’t hiding at all and floating around out in the open.

We saw a Crocodilefish today again. This one was having a rest while small cleaner fishes were working busily, I guess it’s a fish spa? (;^ω^)

This Stonefish was well hidden in the sand♪♪Only the eyes and mouth were sticking up (;・∀・)

Lots of tiny Blue-green damselfishes♪ Absolutely adorable(≧▽≦)


A big

Lots of Squat shrimps were shaking their little tails♪♪

And closeby, this big Anemone shrimp was guarding its territory(;・∀・)

An anemone parther shrimp☆

Tomorrow we’re starting an Advanced Open Water Course☆ It’s been a while since last time so I’m looking forward to it\(^o^)/