A strong south-west wind blew over Ishigaki this morning, so it was a rough departure from Sakieda beach(´-ω-`)
Both Nagura bay and Osaki area had high swell today so we took the long drive to Manta point☆ With this wind, I knew we had shelter there(≧▽≦) Today’s dives were at Manta City and Manta Scramble! We saw two Mantas in the distance☆☆ It’s off season for mantas so we were very lucky♪

This Green turtle was chewing down soft corals for lunch☆

Some of the small corals had turned white, but there are a lot of new ones coming up(^O^) However, this white still got me worried(;´・ω・)

Today I found a new Nudibranch I’ve never seen before\(^o^)/ It’s been a long time since I saw a new species, I couldn’t even find the correct name(;・∀・)

A big Crocodile fish was resting on the rocks♪

A Scorpionfish♪ Their eyes are very beautiful(*^▽^*)

We saw many different kinds of marine animals today☆ It was a rough ride back to Sakieda but it was all worth it for the Manta rays(;^ω^)