North wind in the morning, south wind in the afternoon in Ishigaki today(≧▽≦)
We went diving in Osaki and Nagura area♪♪ Lots of tiny colorful Nudibrances♡

This one was not so tiny, about 5cm long! It had another 7 friends chilling nearby(;^ω^)

Here’s another Nudibranch making its way across the sand♪

We also saw many other creatures, like this Pipehorse☆

And some Brown banded pipefishes(^O^)

Of course, there were shrimps too!(≧▽≦)

In the sandy areas we found different kinds of gobys(*’ω’*)
Below, a Black-ray shrimp goby and the next one is a White-ray shrimp goby☆

We also enjoyed the coral gardens and the famous Blue coral of Ishigaki(≧▽≦)

The wind changed to north just as we had finished diving, it’s blowing very strong(;´・ω・) and tomorrow it will change direction again(; ・`д・´)
Looking forward to another day of fun dives☆