The wind over Ishigaki island keeps changing… it’s blows from a different direction everyday(;・∀・)
Today, it blew from the south but compared to the storm the other day it was very gentle(≧▽≦) We went out for diving in Osaki and Nagura☆☆

It’s been a while since I saw these guys♪♪ The Whitetip reef sharks were under their usual rock(≧▽≦) Sometimes there is as many as five of them, today we saw two♪

A juvenile Ribbon eel☆

There are several different spices of Lionfish in Ishigaki island. My favorite is the Spotfin Lionfish(^O^)

A small Scorpionfish☆

A snail☆☆


A tiny shrimp♪

From tomorrow, the wind will blow from the north again (; ・`д・´)