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North wind over Ishigaki island today again but the sea is calm in Osaki area. A nice day on the ocean! ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
We split up the teams, one with the discover scuba diver and one with certified divers☆ The certified divers got extremely lucky and saw manta rays (≧∀≦) Three of them swam by, just like that! Σ(‘◉⌓◉’)

First time diving♪She got a talent for it!

Photo together with a green sea turtle (≧∀≦) It was very relaxed.

The certified group also had fun relaxing dives☆

Three giant cuttlefishes! The one in this photo is a small male(*^▽^*)

A well camoflaged crocodile fish( ´ ▽ ` ) It’s one of my favorites!

Lots of small anemone fishes. They seem to get on so well, I wish I could move in with their happy little family σ(^_^;)

The wind will turn to south tomorrow, then to the north, and it will probably rain(?) The busy spring weather will continue for a bit longer. I look forward to diving in any weather♪