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The wind blew strong over Ishigaki island yesterday, but the sea had calmed down a lot as we departed this morning(≧∇≦)Even the sun was out and shining♫ We departed from Sakieda and went for snorkling and fun dives☆

The corals in Nagura are amazing((o(^∇^)o)) So many different varieties and colors♫

Lots of blue corals and finger corals☆ The blue-green damsel fishes likes it here too ♡

The shallow parts of Osaki area were beautiful, however, the visibility in the deeper areas was not the best σ(^_^;) But we did see a huge green sea turtle with a remora sitting on its shell ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Bat fishes〜(*^▽^*) So many of them today!

A tiny shrimp on a red coral♪

I found a big bubble coral and with some squat shrimps! It seems like there are less of these corals here this season (T . T)

From now on, we’ll move into winter season and go diving mainly in Nagura and Osaki area! Looking forward to seeing some new fishy faces♪