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The sky is clear and there’s only a light breeze of wind in Ishigaki island✨
We went for fun dives at Yonehara and Manta point♪♪ The reef glittered in the light🪸🪸
The amount of fish will increase as we get closer to summer.

At manta point, we got to meet the manta rays✨

While we were busy watching the manta rays, a green sea turtle swam up from behind🐢

It settled down on the soft corals next to us!✨

We also found some interesting macro♡ Like this orangutang crab🦀

And anemone partner shrimps🦐

A little squat shrimp was also hanging out close by an anemone♪

The warm weather will continue for a while it seems. I wonder if it will be very hot this summer σ(^_^;)