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Great diving conditions in Ishigaki island right now\(^o^)/ On days like this there should be lots of manta rays to complete the perfect scenery♪ However, the manta rays dosen’t seem to agree…(T_T) The landscape at manta point is beautiful in itself, but there’s just something missing without them.

We went out with a family of divers today and our certified divers from the day before came back to try their luck with the manta rays again. We’re sad that they didn’t get to see them but it was a fun day on the ocean regardless☆☆

Swimming over the corals♪♪ Time passes too quickly when I float around the coral garden(;^ω^)

An oragne anemonefish with it’s eggs(*^▽^*) They’ll hatch any time now!

Coral bommie♪ Looks like a big mushroom☆☆

Lots of small fishes were swimming around it♪ Sea goldies, blue-green damselfishes and all their friends \(^o^)/

Tomorrow we’ll start an open water course\(゜ロ\)(/ロ゜)/

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