Typhoon nr. 9 is approaching Ishigaki island and the boat engine is broken. Not a good time for us at Viking Scuba(;´・ω・)
However, we joined my Senpai’s boat and went diving today too!

Corals in Yamabare(*^▽^*) The don’t mind the typhoon at all!

We saw many different critters here♪♪ Like this Lobster☆ It hid away in a hole but was easily discovered from the long feelers sticking out(;・∀・)

Many different animals live inside Anemones. Below, an Anemone crab♪

A tiny Tomato Aneomonefish♪ The vivid colors makes good photos♪

From tomorrow, we will start preparations for the typhoon. It looks like the first big one for this year( ・`д・´)