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The sun is shining and the sea calm around Ishigaki island today・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+
A mild north wind was blowing but no problem! We went for introduction and fun dives✨✨ The coral reefs are beautiful and glittering in the sun♪♪

Manta gathering at Manta point✨ We saw four of them today!

The introduction diving team also got to spend time watching them✨

It was not their first dives. I can tell! Buoyancy is looking good♪♪

The fun diving team also had a good time(๑>◡<๑)

Landscape dives, the scenery is exciting!✨✨

It’s been a while since I saw a zebra moray eel♪♪

Nudibranch✨ Two sweethearts following each other♪♪

The weather for tomorrow is… unpredictable! Looking forward to diving