From now the weather forecast is gentle south wind
We went out with both certified and discover scuba divers today☆ The Manta rays were… not there(/ω\) But we saw many other exciting animals in Kabira area♪♪

There were so many Green turtlesん☆ This one looked very relaxed(*^▽^*)
An Ishigaki Blenny had attached itself to one of the turtles♪

So many fishes swimming in and out of Yonehara coral garden(≧▽≦)

The table corals are growing up well♪♪ If they continue like this, they will cover the whole reef\(^o^)/

The little Sea squirts are always laughing ^_^

There are many Banded boxer shrimps this year♪♪

This Anemone crab had hidden itself well(`・ω・´)

I wonder what marine animals we will find tomorrow? Looking forward to another day of diving in Ishigaki☆