There’s still some swell left around Ishigaki island but it’s a lot less than yesterday(≧▽≦) Today we went out with a boat full of fun divers☆
We saw many different kinds of corals underwater and enjoyed the landscape♪♪

A Hawksbill turtle, we don’t see them all that often☆

It was munching down a lot of soft corals(;・∀・)
We went to Manta point to, but no manta rays there this time(T_T) Usually, we see them much more often around this season.
Below, a Harlequin filefish♪

An anemone crab☆

And some squirt shrimps shaking their small tails(*^▽^*)

Looking at the weather forecast, it seems like the wind will turn to the north and a typhoon is coming on top of it. I hope it’s wrong(-_-メ)
At least, tomorrow we’re going out diving and I’m looking forward to seeing lots of interesting sea creatures☆