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The wind is blowing strong and the rain comes and goes in Ishigaki island(´-ω-`)

Luckily, in Kabira and Yamabare area the ocean is calm(≧▽≦) I’m glad it’s a south wind!
It was a little bit rougher at Manta point, but no problem for diving! And we saw the Manta rays☆☆
We had to wait quite long for them today(;^ω^) But when they showed up, it was a big sucess♪♪

We also saw a Green turtle♪ It was relaxing on the reef in a favorite spot, one time it went up for air and then back to the exact same place\(^o^)/

We also saw lots of macro♪ I did some fun diving myself☆ This flatworm had really brilliant colors♪

A long legged Spidercrab☆ 

We also saw lots of other small critters

A Whip coral shrimp

Pipe horse

Ornate ghost pipefish

The wind is supposed to be even stronger tomorrow (/ω\) But Kabira area should be fine♪♪

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