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A warm south wind blows over Ishigaki island, sometimes rainy, sometimes sunny. We enjoy both ((o(^∇^)o)) It’s been a while since we been diving in Kabira area so it was fun to come back to Yamabare, Yonehara and Manta point☆

Yonehara coral garden♪Calm and beautiful ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Time passed so quickly as we floated over the coral garden☆

A manta came by to see us at manta city・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ It just passed by this time, I wished it would have stayd longer! Actually, I’m very grateful it showed up at all this late in the season (*^▽^*)

Plenty of corals at manta point too!

Close enough to touch♪ But no touching!

We’ll have another day diving in Kabira tomorrow, might be the last dives in this area for this year!