It’s only February but it already feels like summer in Ishigaki island (;^ω^) The wind is blowing strongly from the south so we departed from Kabira to dive in Yonehara and Arakawa area☆
Below, the coral garden in Yonehara♪♪ The corals in Nagura are really beautiful too, but the visibility in Yonehara makes them extra spectacular(^O^)

A school of Sea goldies☆

We went looking for the cuttlefishes today but couldn’t find any (/ω\) However, we met many other fascinating fishes ♡ These Clown anemonefish eggs will hatch soon♪ Sooo many eyes!

A Whip coral shrimp☆ This shrimp was pretty big, almost as wide as the coral(;・∀・)

A Spider crab♪ They can often be found on ropes, but this one was sitting on a rock☆

It’s been a long time since we could go landscape diving here☆ The visibility was excellent and we had lots of fun swimming through the tunnels\(^o^)/

We also found many different kinds of Nudibranches on this dive♪

Tomorrow’s weather forecast is another day with warm south winds☆ Looking forward to dive!