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Another day with south wind in Ishigaki! The sun was shining but the humidity was quite high because of the previous rain (・Д・) Got some very fluffy clouds as we departed☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆

Met another green sea turtle today♪♫

I haven’t been diving at this landscape site for a while・:*+.\(( °ω° ))/.:+ These tunnels will soon be full with hundreds of glass fish☆

Big anemonefishes! Had to take a photo with them(≧∇≦)

A frost nudibranch♫

Bubble coral shrimp(*^▽^*)

And a scorpion fish! As I got closer to it, it swam away and I could see the colorful backside of it’s fins❤︎

Golden week will start soon! I hope the weather will cooperate… we still got a few spaces open. So, if you haven’t booked your dives yet, there’s still time ((o(^∇^)o))