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It’s been a while since the sea was this calm around Ishigaki island (≧▽≦) We went for three fun dives at Arakawa, Yonehara and Manta point♪

I was happy to drive the boat over this mirror today(^O^) No wind, so it was a little big hot(;・∀・)

Lots of small fishes in the swim throughs☆ It was even more beautiful earlier in the season, but the dive site was still spectacular (*´▽`*)

Our guest swimming among the corals♪

Lots of healthy corals in the shallow parts of the reef too\(^o^)/

Sea goldies swam on top of the bommies. I can watch them all day♡

A Leafy scorpionfish♪This individual had a very pretty dorsal fin!

A fine day, but no manta ray again~~(/ω\) This time we tried at Manta city, but the luck was just as bad as at Manta scramble. I hope we can see some tomorrow, it’s out guests last day!