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A sunny clear day in Ishigaki today, but somewhere far away I think there is a north wind blowing causing swell here☆
Our boat is finally back in tip-top shape after maintenance and I was excited to go diving again(≧▽≦) Today we went fun diving in rock lake, manta point and Yonehara♪

Because of the swell, I wasn’t sure if we could dive the swim throughs at rock lake but we could enjoy the tunnels today too (^O^)

However, we had a lot of swell at Manta city (;・∀・) Luckily, we also had a Manta ray!
We waited a long time but finally, it showed up\(^o^)/ and it didn’t just pass through but circled round and round the cleaning station♪♪♪ After that, it passed very close to us as it went away, maybe to another cleaning station☆☆

Right after we descended in Yonehara, a pair of sharks were right under the boat♪ Their tails were sticking out as they were hiding in a coral crack(;^ω^) Two small Whitetip sharks♪♪ They looked like two siblings hiding☆

The reef’s own little dancing troup – the Durban dancing shrimps♪

We also spotted this nudibranch with neon red coloring☆

Tomorrow we’re also off fun diving☆ I’m looking forward to it, I hope the swell will go away until then.

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