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Another hot and sunny day in Ishigaki island\(^o^)/ Today, we went out for fun dives at Yonehara, Yamabare and Manta point☆☆
The manta rays haven’t been showing up as regular as usual this year, but went out to Manta scramble to try our luck!

We swam around and looked for them at a couple of cleaning stations. Just when I was about to give up, a manta ray appeared(≧▽≦) I wish it had stayed longer and not been in such a rush to swim away into the blue(/ω\) This is the best photo I got(;・∀・)

The corals in Ishigaki island are slowly recovering in a lot of places, the photo below is from Manta scramble. So many new table corals growing up♡ It makes me so happy to see! So hard to anchor in the right place(;^ω^)

We also saw some macro♪♪ Below, an ornate ghostpipefish☆

A leafy scorpionfish(゚Д゚;)

Lots of small fishes schooling around a coral bommie♪Right now might be the best season to dive at Yonehara(*´▽`*)

So many new reported cases of COVID-19 recently in Tokyo. Let’s all do our best to stop the spread!